NTT's Tele-ho-dai

Kevin Ryan

You know those All-you-care-to-eat places where you stuff your face, they're called tabe-ho-dai. This is similar, but for telephone use, and is especially good for computer users. I signed up for it today, and got the skinny on the details.

You can call up to two numbers (which you must stipulate in advance) in the same area code (03, or 044, for instance) between 11 PM and 8 AM and stay on the phone for as long as you like for a monthly fee of Y1,800. If you are dialing from an adjacent area code, the fee jumps to Y3,600 per month. Someone at the meeting said this makes the break-even point for the service at 13 hours of use per month, so if you plan to use this less than 13 hours, it's not worth your while. If you live outside the adjacent area code you are out of luck.

Since the TPC BBS and most internet service providers are in the (03) area code, I will post the adjacent area codes from which you can access for Y3,600 per month. They are:

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Algorithmica Japonica

January 1996

The Newsletter of the Tokyo PC Users Group

Submissions : Editor Mike Lloret